Friday, January 28, 2011

Their Passion Passed On...

Louise Derman-Sparks- "It is impornant to give back to the world"

Sandy Essobido- "Shaping a child for a better life"

Raymond Hernandez- "Benfiting children motiviate him to go to work each day"

Renatte Copper- "Working with families and children... See them grow keep me wanting more"  



  1. I agree with Renatta Copper, that not only do we watch the children grow, we see the families grow and it is an amazing thing! Some of my most memorable moments with the children are when the families were learning something with their children. Many who do not work in early childhood education do not understand we educate families as much as the children.

    Thanks for sharing these quotes.

  2. The profession we have chosen comes with so much responsibility. It can be somewhat over whelming if we think about it too long. Your choices in quotes are a reminder of why we chose to endure.

  3. Hi Christopher-
    You have posted some amazing quotes and information. I enjoyed the article from Louise Derman-Sparks. I had the opportunity to hear her speak at a conference a few years ago, and had a few of her textbooks for my undergrad. Why did you choose these topics? What do you hope to see happen with new developments in standards and curricula?

  4. I'm going to try to answer all of your comments in one, if you need more infor feel free to contact me. I pick these topics because they are things that drive me to keep fighting in education. I hope to see things level out across the board. Thank yall for all the feedbac on my Blog..

  5. I am interested to know more about where the quote by Raymond Hernandez came from? From what I can gather, what he is getting at is that if parents are confident in where their children are during the day, if they have good quality care, they can be more productive at work. That is one of the things we stress with businesses around here...if they help us ensure their staff's children are in a good quality setting, they can work better for them.

  6. I appreciated reading your comment by Louise Derman-Sparks. I truly believe more and more individuals need to look at their vocation from a service perspective. I think a simple solution to our current ecomomic crisis is that everyone consider the importance of their work, as compared to the importance of their paycheck. I think often there is a significant discepancy in so many circumstances. We pay many people a lot for work that our society could do without. Yet, so many of our colleagues are working, as their service to children, for less then minimum wage, hmmmmm?
