Saturday, January 14, 2012

Episode of "Soul Food"

The TV show that I looked was “Soul Food”. From looking at the show with the volume off it looked like the characters was have a problem based on their body language. They were using a lot of hand movement and rolling of their necks. 
From the nonverbal communication it look like someone was mad with the other person for some reason. The Nicole Parker seemed upset with Boris. Then he started using body language that came across that he did not like how she was talking to him.

It was hard to try to look at this show with no sound because they used so much body language to get their point across. I was able to get a little out of their conversation from their nonverbal communication.

The assumption I made was that their was a problem going on between the two characters in that scene. I was right based on my assumption. Something was going on with Boris drinking to much and someone got hurt.

If I was watch a show I normal watch it would have been about the same based on the body language that was giving. I think I would have a better understand the plot of the show because I have a idea of what is going on in the show.


  1. Christopher,
    I realized from your post and mine that we observed the same information from the episodes we watched. I wonder if looking at other similar episodes, would we observe the same body language and gestures?

  2. Christopher, Your post was very insightful. I love that tv show. It is crazy how our assumptions can change when there is no sound.

  3. Hi Chris,
    I agree with Carol in that I was also curious if we all watched the same show, would we have come to the same conclusions or would we have had different assumptions about what the nonverbal communication was conveying? Our knowledge about various contexts and cultures contributes to how we perceive different situations, and what various contexts require of us.

  4. Doing this assignment makes you wonder what it was like watching television and movies during the time programs were done silently. Many cultures, including Greeks and Italians talk with their hands, so it important that we have a cultural awareness of other people. We could get in some poor communication areas if we began putting our own opinions and thoughts to hand and body gestures of others if we don't understand their background.
