Saturday, March 26, 2011

Stress in Early Childhood....

this week i have the task of writing about a stressor that young child deal with in life. this will be a task for me because i grow up where mom and dad was there and i did not have to want for anything as a young child. in addition to that my computer is down and im my not feeling my best this week, having to comlpete homework via my smartphone. with that said please over look my writing this week, will be back in the game next blog.

the stress for youg children that comes to mine for me as i set her is in japan. how they are dealing with the their problems at hand. i look at this children and see some things that can be super stressful. one they have to live with the ideal over never seeing there parents again. the second thing is the have develop bonds with their friends that they had to see washed away in rivers of water and will never see again. this is going to impact the childs social develpoment in so many was then one. their cognitive development is going to take full form now to see just how these children will thing after this storm in their life.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Child Development and Public Health

 The topic I chose is Immunization in young children. This topic is of the up most importance to me because I believe that every child should be afforded good healthcare.  A child being immunizes helps to keep down the spread of many diseases and other things that can cause harm to infants and young children.  That’s one reason why I’m grateful for Early head Start and other early childcare providers, because its required that the children receive their shoots on time during the early years.

I looked at China as my other part of the world. I chose china because of it rapidly developing was in technology and other areas.  China is soon to be name the top educated part of the world due to its educational sectors. I wanted to exam the was they immunized their children in the early years.  IN China children are up to date on all routine immunizations according to schedules approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP). I learn that they are developing a more complex for of tracking children to ensure that they receive their shots in the early years.

The information I learn will impact my future work because I would love to teach in another country.  By learning about this immunization I will know what to look for in the children if I’m ever give the chance to go over seas and teach.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Childbirth––In My Life and Around the World

A personal birth that i can remembr is the birth of one of my niece that was born three years aag  mybaby sister. I remember her going through the body changes and have to g o the doctor a lot.  She was checked every two week to ensure the health of the baby and her due t the fact that se was a young moher.  The birth i s put out ofthe room because that is a part of our belife that the men are to wai outside the door until told by the oldest woman in the famly to re-enter the room. From outsid we heard a lot of loud yells ani want do this again.

A prenatal health from around the word.  I learned from from studies and this video that women in Pakistan d not get up to date prenatal care which causes problems at birth. While veiw the video you will get a better understanding of their birth.