Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

My attitude toward racism is that of a person that has grown to just live with it. Gowning up in a town where this was the norm taught me how to deal with many levels of racism. Do I like it? The answer to that is no, I just deal with it. When I encounter racism I handle in the way Dr. King asked us to deal with it in a non-violent way. I do say how I feel and let the person(s) know that all black people are not drug dealers or uneducated. There are times when I get upset about this that go on it the world with racism.

This week made me look at my stereotypes about people and allowed me to see why people have them about me. It gave me a better understanding on how to deal with the many forms of discrimination. It effect people in different ways and people deal with it different ways. Wejust have to learn to live with it and move on at times.


  1. Chris, I agree with you that we will not change people, we can only change ourselves. There will continue to be people who choose to be ignorant, instead of learning to truly listen and learn. I respect that you have committed to deal with racism in non-violent ways, and not let it define you. Instead you have sought to understand it, deal with it, and move on. Thanks for sharing your perspective and experience.

  2. Christopher,

    Do you think that educating others about mircoaggressions would make a difference? Do you think we could make a change?

  3. Christopher-

    It makes me sad to read that you have just grown to live with the racism you face. I cannot begin to understand what it has been like for you, but it just shows how much work we have to do to change ourselves and then begin to have an impact on others.
    Thank you for your honest post.

  4. Christopher, some people are able to say what's on their mind and move on others expect you to know what's on their mind and get upset. I think it is becoming more difficult in some aspects when dealing with any of the 'isms and various levels of sensitivity
