Friday, September 16, 2011

Your Personal Research Journey

Will getting ready for my application 2 for this week I was able to follow the steps of finding relevant literature. It gave me a better understanding of how to look at online database. It gave me helpful hints on how to keep all of my literature in line so that I don’t lose track of my review at the end of my research.
From doing the research chart I was able to better understand the meaning of terms used will doing research. It also allowed me to pull out my weakness in doing effective and meaningful research. Will doing the chart I learned how important it is for use as educators to conduct research that is relevant to the field of early childhood. Finally, how to spot out good resources when conducting meaningful research.
What good advice can you give me on keeping track of my literature review?
National Black Child Development Institute
(Newsletter: )

National Institute for Early Education Research
(Newsletter: )

The National Association for the Education of Young Children 
(Review also the position statements: )

Pre[K]Now: A Campaign of the Pew Center on the States (Newsletter: )

National Head Start Association  
(Newsletter: )

National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (Newsletter: )

The Division for Early Childhood  (Review also the position statements: )

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christopher-
    I think for me it will be important to maintain a timeline for achieving success in this process. I need to set aside time to really devote to exploring all of the great resources (thanks for providing so many by the way!) and gathering the right amount of information.
    What topic are you studying this course?
