The purpose for the Center for Child Care Workforce is to provide a voice for individuals that work in the child care field. In addition, this site provides them with the most recent information on early childhood for personal and professional growth. The mission of this site is to, formidable the nature and expanse, continues to be transformed by policies and practices that are, more often than not, conceived, developed and evaluated by people who are far removed from the actual work and day-to-day realities of working with children and shaping their young lives (CCW).
This website is user friendly, it is structured in a way that anyone can use it even you. Yes you! Once entering the site you will see across the top six tabs that are window to other areas of the site. The first tab is the home tab; this will always bring you back to the home page of the site. Next is the About Us tab, here you will find the mission statement and developed trainings. Following that you have Research and Resources tab; under that tab you will find Early Childhood facts, Wage Data, State Compensation Initiative, Special Populations, Parent Outreach, Licensing Requirements, Quality Rating Systems and Oral Language Development. Right next to that you will see a tab marked Take Action with in this tab you will find, Worthy Wages and Worthy Wage Tales. Fourth is the tab labeled Public Policy under this tab you will see Federal and State Initiatives. The last tab on this page is the News to Use under here is Latest News, Articles, Newsletters and Books. This will guide you to each link on this side and you can learn some many things about the child care workforce.
The information available on this site will help you with better understanding child care, resource to help you become a better early childhood educator and show you how to be a voice for your center and early childhood. The best way to navigate your way in this site is to start with the mission of the site, then go from left to right to get the best results from the page. Each tab is a guide for the next tab on the page to help you better grasps what the website has to offer.
I’m going to highlight three areas on the site I will be News to Use, Research and Resources, and Take Action. Under the tab News to Use they have great articles on early childhood that can assist you in many ways then one. Next is Research and Resources it gives very helpful tips, in addition to fact on child care. The third on is Take Action, this tab gives helpful information when it comes to Wages in child care.
For me this website opened my eyes to a lot of things going on in child care. It let me know that I have a voice also and it should be heard.
Center for Child Care Workforce